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HOME최신 카지노 게임카지노 pc게임 나가사키, 쿠마모토, Ôita최신 카지노 게임카지노 pc게임nmental Report 2020최신 카지노 게임카지노 추천nvironmental Report NTT WEST최신 카지노 게임카지노 pc게임nmental Report 2020 카지노 pc게임nmental최신 카지노 게임LINE 343 "Brilliant Forest" 최신 카지노 게임nvironment Conservation Activity

LINE 343 "Brilliant Forest" 최신 카지노 게임nvironment Conservation Activity

Midori Ippai Project Activities 최신 카지노 게임3"Brilliant Forest" 최신 카지노 게임nvironment Conservation Activity 2019 NTT West Wakayama Group

NTT West Wakayama Group held a weeding and tree-planting activity at the "Brilliant Forest" located in Ryujin-mura of Tanabe City as part of the 최신 카지노 게임nvironment conservation efforts under the "corporate forest" project promoted by Waka

It is a collective term for projects to conserve the 최신 카지노 게임nvironment within the prefecture from different approaches as part of the social and environmental contributions by organizations such as companies as well as activities for them to interact with the local commu

"Wakayama Group has been taking part in this initiative since April 2008
and the other for performing conservation work such as tree thinning and branch pruning on some 1

engaged in the work in the misty drizzle on the day of the event
bushes had grown to a height of 50cm since the last round of undergrowth weeding two years ago

a "hands-on nature experience" was held together with a local interpreter (nature guide)
Opportunities like this that allow children to develop interest through enjoyable interactions with nature will help them to better appreciate the importance of forests and the global environment

NTT West Wakayama Group will continue to engage in efforts to protect the global environment through the "Brilliant Forest" environmental conservation activities

Organizing companies
NTT West
NTT Business Solutions
NTT-West Business Front
NTT Marketing Act
NTT Fieldtechno
NTT Facilities
NTT InfraNet
NTT Business Associe West
(Group companies in Wakayama area)
Wakayama Prefecture
No. of participants

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