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HOME슈퍼 카지노카지노 pc게임 나가사키, 쿠마모토, Ôita슈퍼 카지노카지노 pc게임nmental Report 2020슈퍼 카지노카지노 추천nvironmental Report NTT WEST슈퍼 카지노카지노 pc게임nmental Report 2020 카지노 pc게임nmental슈퍼 카지노슈퍼 카지노ting a Beautiful "Satoumi" through Everyone's Efforts

슈퍼 카지노ting a Beautiful "Satoumi" through Everyone's Efforts

Midori Ippai Project Activities 슈퍼 카지노Creating a Beautiful "Satoumi" through Everyone's Efforts 2019 슈퍼 카지노 Hokuriku Group

슈퍼 카지노 Hokuriku Group took part in the "Clean Beach Ishikawa in Kanazawa" event

the activity has continued to grow into one that involves all the prefectural residents
000 participants from the six municipalities of Kanazawa

Members of Hokuriku Group worked together with people from local companies and citizen volunteers to clean the approximately 1km stretch of coastline at the Senkoji area in Kanazawa City since 7 a

helping to restore the original beauty of the coastline at the end of the activity

they naturally exchanged words of appreciation thanking one another for their hard work

pollution due to the growing amount and littering of plastic wastes in the seas of Japan as well as those around the world have posed a widespread health hazard to mankind

슈퍼 카지노 Hokuriku Group will continue to work together with the local communities to engage in environmental conservation activities so as to maintain the beauty of this "satoumi (local coastlines)" and hand it down to the future generations

Amount of trash collected throughout the entire "Clean Beach Ishikawa in Kanazawa" activity: 13

Participating companies
슈퍼 카지노 Hokuriku Regional Headquarters
NTT Business Solutions
NTT Marketing Act
NTT Fieldtechno
NTT Neomeit
NTT Business Associe West
NTT Finance
가나자와 시티
No. of participants

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