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HOME최신 최신 카지노 게임 게임최신 카지노 게임 pc게임 나가사키, 쿠마모토, Ôita최신 최신 카지노 게임 게임라이브 카지노 사이트nmental Report 2019 Midori최신 최신 카지노 게임 게임최신 카지노 게임 추천nvironmental Report NTT WEST최신 최신 카지노 게임 게임라이브 카지노 사이트nmental Report 2019 Midori Ippai최신 최신 카지노 게임 게임최신 카지노 게임rticipation in "Forestation with Water and Greenery" Prefectural Resident Volunteer Activity

LINE 313 Participation in "Forestation with Water and Greenery" Prefectural Resident Volunteer Activity 최신 카지노 게임 Project Activities

최신 카지노 게임

최신 카지노 게임 Project Activities LINE 313Participation in "Forestation with Water and Greenery" 최신 카지노 게임olunteer Activity 10월 28, 2018 NTT West Miyazaki Group

On October 28, 2018 (Sunday), a total of about 70 employees and family members of NTT West Miyazaki Group took part in the "Forestation with Water and Greenery" 최신 카지노 게임olunteer activity held by the organizer, Miyazaki Greening Promotion Agency.

The activity started with a greeting by Mr. 요시다, Manager of General Affairs Department at NTT West Miyazaki Branch, who thanked the NTT West Miyazaki Group companies and affiliates for their united effort to participate in the event. He also urged everyone to perform work with safety as the top priority, while hoping the planting activity will help to protect the environment and enhance the level of environmental awareness.

After the opening address, participants proceeded to the venue of the ceremony at the multi-purpose plaza space in Miyazaki Seaside Park. At the ceremony, Mr. 칸바라, Vice Governor of Miyazaki Prefecture, delivered a speech and presentad awards to those with outstanding contributions to greening.

A total of about 500 volunteer participants from different parts of the prefecture performed warm-up exercise together with "Mu-chan,"the dog mascot character of Miyazaki Prefecture, followed by engaging in activities to prune tree branches, weed undergrowth and plant trees at Awakigahara Forest Park.

Upon moving to the site for planting, participants dug holes with a hoe, planted the seedlings carefully one by one and tied them against a bamboo pole to prevent them from falling, while hoping that they would grow into large trees that can withstand the force of the wind.
During undergrowth weeding, participants struggled to remove the densely-grown grass, and completed the work in about 1.5 hours after working up a good sweat using sickles which they are not used to.

NTT West Miyazaki Group will continue to engage actively in environmental conservation activities in cooperation with local government bodies and NPOs through the "최신 카지노 게임 Project."

최신 카지노 게임

Participating companies
NTT West Miyazaki Branch
NTT Business Solutions
NTT Marketing Act
NTT Fieldtechno
NTT Business Associe West
NTT Business Front
NTT InfraNet
NTT Facilities
TelWel West Nippon
SYSKEN 미야자키 브랜치
Nihon Meccs 미야자키 판매 오피스
미야자키 시티, 아와키가하라 숲 공원
No. of participants
Approximately 70
최신 카지노 게임

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