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HOME카지노 승률 높은 게임 승률 높은 게임카지노 승률 높은 게임 pc게임 나가사키, 쿠마모토, Ôita카지노 승률 높은 게임 승률 높은 게임라이브 카지노 사이트nmental Report 2019 Midori Ippai카지노 승률 높은 게임 승률 높은 게임카지노 승률 높은 게임 추천nvironmental Report NTT WEST카지노 승률 높은 게임 승률 높은 게임라이브 카지노 사이트nmental Report 2019 Midori Ippai Project카지노 승률 높은 게임 승률 높은 게임카지노 승률 높은 게임num Help Make Our "Satoumi" Clean!

LINE numnumnum Help Make Our "Satoumi" Clean! 카지노 승률 높은 게임 Project Activities

카지노 승률 높은 게임

카지노 승률 높은 게임 Project Activities 카지노 승률 높은 게임numHelp Make Our "Satoumi" Clean! July 1, 2018 NTT West Hokuriku Group

On July 1, 2018 (Sunday), a total of 51 participants including employees of NTT West Toyama Group took part in the "Clean Campaign in Yaezuhama" cleaning activity (organized by FM Toyama) held at the Yaezuhama Beach in Toyama City.

This activity is part of the "Cosmo Earth Conscious Act Clean Campaign" that was launched jointly by Japan FM Network Association (JFN) and Cosmos Oil and held yearly with the aim to promote protection and conservation of the global.

The venue of the activity, Yaezu Beach, is a popular beach for those who are into windsurfing, jet skiing and other marine sports. In spring, it is also a popular spot for watching the fantastical phenomenon of 窶徂otaruika no minage (suicide of firefly squids),窶 where countless number of glowing squids are washed ashore when they move to the water surface during the spawning season.

Started at 6 a.m., a total of 408 local volunteers took part in the cleaning activity, who gathered huge quantities of trash in about an hour of cleaning work to restore the cleanliness of the beach.

Collecting garbage to restore the clean beach helps to protect the natural environment and contributes toward a bountiful satoumi (local coastlines).

NTT West Toyama Group will continue to engage in community-based efforts to help protect the global environment.

Participating companies
NTT West
NTT Business Solutions
NTT Fieldtechno
NTT Marketing Act
NTT Business Associe West
NTT-West Business Front
NTT Facilities Kansai
Yaezuhama Beach
No. of participants
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