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HOME 최신 카지노 게임 카지노 pc게임 나가사키, 쿠마모토, Ôita 최신 카지노 게임 카지노 사이트 추천nmental Report 2018 최신 카지노 게임 Annual Environmental Report 2018 최신 카지노 게임 카지노 사이트 추천nmental Report 2018 Midori 최신 카지노 게임LINE 216 최신 카지노 게임uot;Gifu Midair Ippai Project최신 카지노 게임uot; - 5th Year into the Building of 최신 카지노 게임uot;Green Curtains최신 카지노 게임uot;

LINE 216 최신 카지노 게임uot;Gifu Midair Ippai Project최신 카지노 게임uot; - 5th Year into the Building of 최신 카지노 게임uot;Green Curtains최신 카지노 게임uot;

Midori Ippai Project Activities LINE 216최신 카지노 게임uot;Gifu Midair Ippai Project최신 카지노 게임uot; - 5th Year into the Building of 최신 카지노 게임uot;Green Curtains최신 카지노 게임uot; May 9 and 11, 2017 NTT West Gifu Group

On May 9 and 11, 2017, NTT West Gifu Group engaged in the fifth year of the "green curtains" building activity.

This is an activity to plant creepers and other plants in the surrounding areas and inner courtyard of the buildings under NTT West Gifu Branch (Kano Building and Umegae Building) to make effective use of the unutilized space.

The main objective is to cut power consumption by reducing temperature rise inside the buildings due to intense heat from the sun in the hot summer. At the same time, the luxuriant leaves of the plants add a sense of coolness while the harvests that can be obtained from the activity are also something to look forward to.

This planting activity has become a yearly event, and feedback was received regarding the passion fruit, pumpkin, gourd and other plants that we challenged last year, such as "the plants flowered but did not bear fruits" and "the gourd bears fruits but they are not edible." In response to the feedback, we decided to try out okra this year in addition to bitter gourd, cucumber and tomato, which are the standard choices for building green curtains.

On the day of the event, activities from weeding of the flowerbeds to changing the soil and planting the seedlings were carried out smoothly, thanks to advice offered by the experienced employees. Subsequent tasks that need to be carried out on a continuing basis as the creepers grow include watering and weeding, as well as guiding the creepers toward the poles and nets installed in the direction in which we want the plants to grow.

We believe the plants will grow into cool green curtains with thick green leaves by midsummer.

NTT West Gifu Group will continue to engage in this activity of growing plants with our own hands while helping to conserve energy at the same time.

Organizing companies
NTT West Gifu Business Unit (NTT West Gifu Branch, NTT Fieldtechno, NTT Marketing Act, NTT Business Associe West)
NTT Business Associe West Tokai Branch
Gifu Office, Planning IC (EMS Promotion Secretariat)
NTT West, Kano Building
NTT West, Umegae Building
No. of participants

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