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최신 카지노 게임rticipation in "Tori-ga-Saezuru Midori-no-Kairo 12th Tree Planting Event"

최신 카지노 게임

Midori Ippai Project Activities 최신 카지노 게임Participation in "Tori-ga-Saezuru Midori-no-Kairo 12th Tree Planting Event" March 25, 2017 NTT West Kitakyushu Group

On March 25, 2017 (Saturday), a total of 37 employees and family members of NTT West Kitakyushu Group participated in the "Tori-ga-Saezuru Midori-no-Kairo 12th Tree Planting Event" (hosted by Tori-ga-Saezuru Midori-no-Kairo Event Executive Committee and co-hosted.

The "Tori-ga-Saezuru Midori-no-Kairo Tree Planting Event" is one of the leading projects under the Kitakyushu City Basic Environmental Conservation Program that is open to participation by the city's residents with the aim of with a harmonious blend. This tree-planting event was held at the vast Hibiki-nada Reclaimed Area of ​​Wakamatsu-ku, where tree saplings grown from acorns were planted to form a green corridor with the plan to develop it into a recreation area for the residents.

This year, a total of about 1,500 residents and members of groups took part in the activity to plant 6,500 saplings that sprouted from acorns in Koyomachi of Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu City (near Koyobashi junction along Route 495).

For the saplings that were planted at the event, elementary school children of Wakamatsu-ku would start to pick up acorns one to two years prior to the event, which were then grown at places such as the residents' home or workplace.

While it was still chilly on the day of the event, the participating employees and their family members worked up a good sweat while learning to cope with the hard soil.

NTT West Kitakyushu Group will continue to take part in activities that will contribute to the local community as well as the creation of a green city.

Participating companies
NTT West Kitakyushu Branch
NTT Business Solutions Kyushu Branch
NTT Marketing Act Kyushu Branch
NTT Fieldtechno Kyushu Branch
NTT Neomeit Kyushu Branch
NTT Business Associe West Kyushu Branch
Fukuoka Prefecture, 기타쿠슈 시티, Wakamatsu-ku, Koyomachi (near Koyobashi junction along Route 495)
No. of participants
최신 카지노 게임
최신 카지노 게임

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