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최신 카지노 게임ent Mission 2016 in Ehime

최신 카지노 게임

Midori Ippai Project Activities LINE 207클린 환경 미션 2016 in Ehime 10월 10, 2016 NTT West Ehime Group

On December 10, 2016 (Saturday), NTT West Ehime Group held the "Clean Environment Mission 2016 in Ehime" at Dogo Park in Matsuyama City in cooperation with Ehime Prefecture and Matsuyama City.

Dogo Park is a multi-purpose park run by Ehime Prefecture where the ruins of the residence of Kono Michinari (Yuzuki Castle) is located. Kono Michinari was a commander who worked as a military governor for Iyo during the Kamakura era. Today, visitors can still feel the profound history at this sightseeing spot with the outer and inner moats as well as mounds of the castle still remaining.

A total of about 400 participants who are employees and family members as well as retired members of the group companies took part in this activity to conserve the forest at the center of the park as well as to beautify the recreation areas and the local community.

Participants from the respective companies put on uniform jackets and were assigned to one of the six areas. Everyone was drenched in sweat as they engaged in activities such as preparing leaf mold for conserving the forest by collecting fallen leaves and scattering them in the forest and picking up litter at the resting areas and sightse.

NTT West Ehime Group will continue to engage actively in activities to conserve the environment.

Organizing companies
NTT West Shikoku Regional Headquarters Ehime Branch
NTT Business Associe West Shikoku Branch
NTT Marketing Act Shikoku Branch
NTT Business Solutions Shikoku Branch
NTT Neomeit Shikoku Branch
NTT Fieldtechno Shikoku Branch
NTT West AssetPlanning
NTT InfraNet
NTT Docomo Group
NTT Comware West
NTT TownPage
NTT 데이터
TelWel West Nippon Group
NTT Finance
NTT Facilities
NTT Logisco
Ehime Denyukai
Public Telephone Communication (P Com)
OB Group Volunteers
Dogo Park
No. of participants
Approximately 400
최신 카지노 게임
최신 카지노 게임

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