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최신 카지노 게임 and Flowerbed Maintenance Activity of the 2nd Tokushima Downtown Flower Road Project

최신 카지노 게임

Midori Ippai Project Activities LINE 121Participation in the Planting Zone and Flowerbed Maintenance Activity of the 2nd Tokushima Downtown Flower Road Project May 16, 2015 NTT West Tokushima Group

On May 16 (Saturday), NTT West Tokushima Branch Group took part as a co-sponsor company in the "Tokushima Downtown Flower Road Project" planting activity as part of the "Midori Ippai Project."The activity was hosted by the NPO "Shinmachi-gawa wo Mamoru Kai (Association to Preserve Shinmachi River)."

Despite drizzling on the day of the event (May 16, Saturday), a total of about 250 people, including 35 from NTT West Tokushima Group and participants from NPOs, local neighborhood associations and co-sponsors, took part in the activity.
After the participants gathered at the Aibahama Park at 8:00a.m., the opening ceremony kicked off with an opening address from Mr. 나카무라, Chairman of NPO 신마치 가와 wo 마모루 카이, who expressed the goal to involve as many residents of the city as possible, and also to transform Tokushima City into a city of flowers by 2020, the year of the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. After the speech, staff from the NPO explained the way to plant the 6,000 petunia.

At the end of the opening ceremony, the participants were divided into six groups, and each group was assigned to the flowerbeds and planting zones at one of the designated locations for planting the flowers, which extended from the front of Tokushima Station to Awaodori Kaikan, and from the front of Awagin Hall to the City Government Office.
The 35 participants from NTT West Tokushima Branch Group were assigned to plant flowers at the Motomachi road divider flowerbeds, which took about two hours to complete.

After the planting activity, all NTT West Tokushima Branch Group participants of the "Midori Ippai Project" gathered at the meeting point (Aibahama Park) and took a commemorative photo at the end of the event.

Although the participants got wet in the rain, we believe it was a great day for everyone who took part in the activity.

Organizing companies
NTT Business Solutions Shikoku Branch, 도쿠시마 기업 사업부
NTT Marketing Act Shikoku Branch (Tokushima Sales Department, Sales Promotion IC; 116 IP Department, East Shikoku 116 Center; CRM Business Promotion Department, Tokyo 116 Unit, 도시마 116센터)
NTT Fieldtechno Shikoku Branch (Tokushima Office, Planning and General Affairs IC; Equipment Department, Activation EG Unit, 도쿠시마 Activation Center; Equipment Department, Servicing and Operation Unit, 고객 지원 센터, Shikoku 113 고객 서비스 센터; Failure Control IC)
NTT Neomeit Shikoku Branch, Network Department, Wide-area Operation Center, System Operation IC
TelWel West Nippon Shikoku Branch, 도쿠시마 브랜치 오피스
Retired employees and family members of employees
NTT West Tokushima Branch
NTT Business Associe West Shikoku Branch, 도쿠시마 오피스
Motomachi road divider flowerbeds in front of Tokushima Station (Route 438)
No. of participants
최신 카지노 게임
최신 카지노 게임

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