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HOME카지노 룰렛 사이트카지노 pc게임 나가사키, 쿠마모토, Ôita카지노 룰렛 사이트카지노 룰렛 사이트ies


카지노 룰렛 사이트ies

일본 텔레그래프 및 전화 웨스트 코프.operates 카지노 룰렛 사이트uot;Regional telecommunications services카지노 룰렛 사이트uot; in the west areas of Japan*1,"Incidental 카지노 룰렛 사이트ies","카지노 룰렛 사이트ies to achieve the purpose of the company","카지노 룰렛 사이트ies to utilize the company's resources" under the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Law.

Description of business is described bellow.

Category Business description
Telecommunications business*2 Voice transmission services 구독자 전화, Receive-only telephone, Emergency call telephone, Public telephone, Virtual branch office telephone*3, Intercommunication telephone, Connection service for wire broadcasting telephone, ISDN 서비스, Off-Talk Service, IP telephony service
Data transmission services Signal monitoring communication service, LAN 유형 커뮤니케이션 네트워크 서비스, IP 커뮤니케이션 네트워크 서비스, 데이터 전송 서비스
Leased Circuit Services General leased circuit service , High-Speed ​​leased circuit service, ATM leased circuit service, IP routing network connection leased circuit service, DSL connection leased circuit service, 무선 leased circuit service
텔레그램 서비스 텔레그램 서비스
Incidental business/ 카지노 룰렛 사이트ies to achieve the purpose of the company Sales of telecommunications equipment, Information fee collection service, Billing and collection service, Telecommunication consulting service, Training/Seminar etc.
  • *1토야마, 이시카와, 후쿠이, Gifu, Shizuoka, 아이치, Mie, Shiga, Kyoto, 오사카, Hyogo, Nara, 와카야마, Tottori, Shimane, 오카야마, 히로시마, 야마구치, 도쿠시마, 가가와, Ehime, 코치, 후쿠오카, Saga, 나가사키, 쿠마모토, Oita, 미야자키, 가고시마와 오키나와
  • *2it includes "Regional telecommunications services" and "카지노 룰렛 사이트ies to utilize the company's resources".
  • *3사용 서비스, client can provide resident in the area, where the client's office is not located, with local telephone number of the area. Such resident can access to the client's designated location(e.g. headquarter) through such local number with local call charge.

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